Audio GuestBook
A wonderful opportunity for visitors to your wedding or celebration to give you a personal greeting.
How it Works
1. Pick up the receiver and your greeting will be heard.
3. Return the receiver back to its cradle and the message is saved.
2. After the BEEP, the recording begins.
4. All audio will be converted into a video format with visual soundwaves.
We will start our audio guest books as soon as our arrival time and they will be operable during any booked idle time.
Audio Guest Book
Personal Voicemail Greeting
Interactive External Ringing Tone
Interactive End-Dial Tone
LED Sign "Leave A Message"
Spotlight Lamp
Wooden Display
Framed Instructions
Audio Gram w/ Visual Soundwaves​
Same-Day Delivery for Audio Files
Alluring features that will attract your guests!
External Ringing Tone
Rings 5 times until the receiver is picked up and will repeat every 10 minutes after the last proper hang-up. This can be turned off during moments like important speeches.
End-Dial Tone
Rings 5 times until the receiver is picked up and will repeat every 10 minutes after the last proper hang-up. This can be turned off during moments like important speeches.